Rising developer
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Quick facts

Everything you need to know about the development team
Go to One developer

One developer

Every one of our apps is created by one person, not a whole team. This adds a more personal level to feedback and suggestions, as there are no automated responses or robots to talk to.

Go to We listen

We listen

Every single email, review, or other form of feedback received is read and taken into consideration for future updates and apps.

Go to frequent updates

frequent updates

We don’t leave our apps to drown over time in bugs. The second an issue is discovered, updates are rolled out within hours.

Go to more free content

more free content

We strive to provide the most amount of content to you, absolutely free. Because of this, we depend on ad revenue to make money. How ever, we pick the least intrusive way to do so and a way to opt out.

About the developer

A brief overview of my motives and experience
Coding is my passion

Coding and creating various types of software and applications has been a passion of mine since a very young age. Being experienced in Java, C++, and Lua, I focused mainly on computer applications and game development. How ever, being so passionate for programming led me to want to create more. So, I decided to start learning Objective-C through iOS applications. This is only the beginning, and there is much more to come.